The economic region between Tallinn and Madrid

Tallinn? Madrid? But there’s a huge distance between them. In fact 2,000 km in both directions to be precise. However, we’re situated right in the middle of Europe where you could say it’s the most beautiful.

Die Impulsregion e.V. supports the Impulse Region, generating impulses and ideas that boost opportunities. In Thuringia, Central Germany and Europe. Cutting-edge technology and world-class research set the pace in the region between Erfurt, Weimar and Jena. And determine the region’s success.
It is the close cooperation between business and science, the exchange among expert networks and clusters, which generates the region’s success and influence. Our strength lies in collaboration, communicating outside the box and in the creative milieu. This results in new ideas that come together here with great opportunities to develop into the latest research results and then quickly turn into marketable products.
See for yourself – we’re easy to find, from all directions – always right in the middle and keeping pace with the times.

Expert networks

What makes the Impulse Region so unique is the specifically connected industries, organised into cluster initiatives and expert networks. For example, microtechnology, media, architecture and construction, ophthalmology and biomedical engineering are all agglomerated here. The fields of optical technology, medical technology, plastics, materials technology are of global relevance, producing more special clusters within the industry.

The Impulse Region’s strength lies in the cooperation of researchers and developers with industry-related service providers, specialists and suppliers who can rely on state-of-the-art infrastructure. There are excellent framework conditions for synergies, which are ideally leveraged through joint research and design, product development and marketing in the clusters and networks.

Well advised

The experienced business development agencies in ErfurtWeimarJena and Weimarer Land support you with location consulting, approval procedures and launching your investment. What’s more, they’re available to offer support for everyday business activities and to further develop the business prospects of companies that are already established here. At state level, Landesentwicklungsgesellschaft Thüringen mbH (LEG – State Development Corporation of Thuringia) offers assistance with funding issues and the recruitment of skilled personnel.

Huge potential

The comparison of the industries in the Impulse Region with the national average illustrates the regional character of the Erfurt-Weimar-Jena region as a service, research and science region.


  • Mechanical and plant engineering
  • Media and
 creative industries
  • Horticulture
  • Food industry
  • Microtechnology
  • Sensor technology
  • IT
  • Logistics


  • Optics and photonics
  • Health technology
  • Precision engineering
  • Environmental technology
  • Digital economy


  • Construction technologies and 
  • Creative industries
  • Metal processing and 
 mechanical engineering
  • Plastics and pharmaceuticals
  • Services

Weimarer Land:

  • Food
  • Plastics/chemicals
  • Metal processing
  • Mechanical and equipment engineering
  • Optical industry
  • Logistics
  • Construction and building materials
  • Leather and 
 knitwear industry

Outstanding education

The Impulse Region is growing – in terms of economic output but also in population. 22 per cent of Thuringia’s residents now live here and enjoy an exceptionally high quality of life. Cultural diversity, attractive leisure activities and first-class schools and educational institutions create an ideal environment for families, for children to get a good start in life and for young people in education. Sound education and training have a long tradition in Thuringia’s heartland. Our schools and universities regularly receive top ratings in Europe-wide comparisons.

Experience education

Young families, apprentices, students and skilled personnel from Germany and abroad will find excellent conditions in the Impulse Region. Our students and schools always rank among the leaders in performance comparisons. Satisfaction with the education on offer leads to an attendance rate that is almost twice as high as the national average in the Impulse Region. Sound education and training have a long tradition in Thuringia’s heartland. Our schools and universities regularly receive top ratings in Europe-wide comparisons.

Educational diversity in the Impulse Region

  • 5,900 enrolled students
  • Faculty of Economics, Law and Social Sciences, Faculty of Philosophy, Faculty of Education and Faculty of 
 Catholic Theology with 50 degree programmes in total
  • Max Weber Centre for Advanced Cultural and Social Studies
  • Willy Brandt School of Public Policy
  • Around 4,100 students
  • Six faculties with 
 13 degree programmes in total
  • Relevant practical focus through 
 cooperation with business 
  • Practical, dual courses of study
  • Private university
  • Choice between university of applied sciences and university programmes in the health sector
  • 4,100 students, 27 per cent of them from abroad
  • More than 40 degree programmes
  • Currently about 800 students, 45 per cent of them from abroad
  • Over 17,500 students, 15 per cent of them from abroad
  • Largest and only comprehensive university in Thüringia
  • Around 4,400 students
  • Four fields of study: Engineering, Social sciences, Economics, Health sciences