Struktur und Arbeitsgemeinschaften

Our “Die Impulsregion” association works together with the cities of Erfurt, Jena, Weimar and Weimarer Land, known as the Impulse Region, to improve our region’s future and promote development opportunities.

  • Executive Board

    The association’s duties are performed by the Executive Board, on which the mayors of the cities of Erfurt, Jena and Weimar and the district administrator of Weimarer Land district are represented. Members elect a chairperson for the Executive Board from these members. Above all, the Executive Board resolves on the association’s work programme, focal points and organisational and financial structure.

  • General Meeting

    The General Meeting is composed of the members of the association and is held once a year. The general meeting’s duties include the election of the Executive Board members and the approval of the association’s annual programme and budget.

  • Regional Advisory Council

    The Regional Advisory Council consists of members of the Executive Board and representatives from the city councils and district council. It meets at least once a year to discuss the principles of regional cooperation. The chairperson of the Executive Board reports on the state of cooperation.

  • Head Office

    The association’s head office is responsible for coordinating the municipal cooperation. Its duties include, in particular, preparing and holding meetings, pooling and preparing information from the working groups, developing a mission statement and the content of the cooperation, regional marketing and public relations, as well as managing the cooperation’s financial resources.

  • Working Groups

    The Impulse Region is currently focusing on the following areas of action:

    • Strengthening the economic potential of the region
    • Marketing the regional strengths proactively based on specific target groups
    • Making effective use of and preserving the diverse cultural landscape


    This thematic project work is organised in three working groups:

    • Business, science and technology
    • Culture and tourism
    • Sport